Governor Matt Mead

If the suspense of what Governor Matt Mead said in our interview the other day has been building for you, I am here to offer some relief for your anxious mind.  I entered this project without the slightest idea of where it would take me.  I have been from the middle of the desert in Wyoming to both coasts of the US to the Governor of Wyoming’s office.  The most recent addition to my adventure in search for the best type of energy led me to meeting with Governor Matt Mead in Cheyenne, WY.  Energy is a huge topic in Wyoming and if you live here, you know that it’s everywhere!  Is that a good or bad thing?  You tell me.

For my visit with Governor Mead, I was primarily interested in how energy and politics interact.  Everyone has stereotypes of politicians.  Whether it’s simply not liking them, or feeling like they just talk without ever saying anything, people have their opinions.  My goal for the interview was to free myself from all of the stereotypes that I have ever heard about politicians, political ideologies, and government in general.  I wanted to have a conversation without expectations, and let the situation speak for itself.  In doing this, I was rewarded with a very straightforward and fascinating conversation about energy with the Governor of the number 1 energy exporting state in the nation, Wyoming.

Governor Mead was very personable and addressed each of my questions with concern and accountability.  If you think that politicians can only waltz around a question without actually answering it, then you’re in for a treat when you see Energy! O Energy!  My goal for the film, since day one, has been to be as direct and objective as possible.  You’re probably saying, “well, why in the world did you bring politics into it then?”  I can only tell you so much but in short, sometimes political issues aren’t really political at the heart.  We’ve made them political in the way that we’ve handled them.

Overall my visit with the Governor went very well.  We had an intelligent conversation about energy and that was my goal.  I can assure you that people from the entire political spectrum will be in the film and I hope that we can see past the political stereotypes to see what’s important, the situation at hand.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not campaigning or promoting anyone with this project.  I’m just not leaving anything out.  What’s worse, a lie or only half of the truth?  I’m avoiding both.  As Marty stated previously, whether you’re Democrat or Republican, conservative or liberal, that’s not the issue.  If political stereotypes interfere with how you make decisions and think, then that is the issue.

“Rather than being driven by politics, let’s be driven by the best idea available.”

Matt Mead

What is the best idea available?  What is the best type of energy?