Movement News Coverage

Here’s a great article by Marguerite Ogle at




Sundancing 2013


At least the snow waited until after the festival to hit.  While last year we trudged through 8 inches of snow going from theater to theater, this year was a different story.  The streets of Park City were crowded with filmmakers, cinefiles, industry execs, and partiers alike as Carrie and I caught the final two days of the Sundance Film Festival. We were on our way to Germany where the next leg of “A Movement of Movement” will be filmed.

To sum up the weekend, Sundance delivered and we left happy.  One film in particular caught my attention, “The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete”.  Here’s a few pictures from the festival.



We’ve been all over!

The last few months have disappeared like tire tracks on a windy day on the many snow covered roads that we’ve trudged down.  Carrie and I have been driving all over the western United States while filming for A Movement of Movement.  Every time I travel for a significant period of time, I am reminded of a certain peculiarity of life on the road.  It’s not where you go, but rather the people you meet while you’re there that makes the biggest impact on you.  We have had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people in the last 2 months, and I want to say thanks to each of those people.  You have made our life on the road meaningful and fulfilling.  It isn’t always easy to live out of a suitcase, but encountering great people always makes it better.

I’ll be home for a week and then it’s back to the road.  How long will I be out there?  As long as it takes.

I hope to see you there.



A Movement of Movement is Running!

Burning Torch Productions’ newest film, A Movement of Movement was announced less than 2 weeks ago, but it’s already up and running at full speed!  The only thing keeping me going through these long nights is the incredible story we’re telling and the amazing people we’re meeting along way.  Carrie and I are heading to Las Vegas, NV with Pilates instructor, Jana Weber to film at the annual Pilates Method Alliance Conference.  We had a great time shooting some amazing footage at The Pilates Center in Boulder, CO last week.  To stay up to date on A Movement of Movement, and see some pictures on location,visit the homepage.

The fundraising campaign has begun!  There are some great opportunities to get involved with the film here.  Thank you very much for your contributions and support as we embark on this journey to document such an incredible Movement!

Click here to contribute to A Movement of Movement.

Advanced Mat @ The Pilates Center in Boulder, CO